كلمات جميله عن نزول المطر بالانجليزي 2023

كلمات جميله عن نزول المطر بالانجليزي 2023

كلمات جميله عن نزول المطر بالانجليزي مِنْ النِّعَمِ الَّتِي أَنْعَمَ اللَّهُ عَلَى عِبَادِهِ بِهَا ، هِي نِعْمَة الْمَطَر ، فالمطر هُوَ الَّذِي يُعْطِي الْأَرْضِ وَمَا عَلَيْهَا حَيَاة ، فَجَمِيع الكَائِنَاتِ الحَيَّةِ لَا يُمْكِنُ أَنْ تَسْتَكْمِلَ دَوْرُه حَيَاتِهَا إلَّا بِنُزُول الْمَطَر ، الْمَطَر هُوَ ذَلِكَ الْمَاءِ المنهمر مِنْ السَّمَاءِ نَتِيجَة تَكُون السَّحَاب ، عَلَى شَكْلِ قَطَرَات تُحْي الْأَرْض وَتُجْعَل الْمَيِّت حَيًّا ،كلمات جميله عن نزول المطر بالانجليزي وَيُعْتَبَر اِنْحِبَاس المطرعن الْأَرْضِ هُوَ بِمَثَابَةِ كَإِرْثِه مُمْكِنٌ أَنْ تَحِلَّ عَلَى الْأَرْضِ أَوْ عَلَى مِنْطَقَةِ مَا ، فَيُصَلِّي الْمُسْلِمِين صَلَاة الاستقساء دَاعِين اللَّهُ أَنْ يَنْزِلَ الْمَطَرُ عَلَيْهِمْ ، لِمَا فِيهِ مِنْ فَوَائِدِ عِدَّة وَرَاحَة لِلْبَشَر ، فَمَهْمَا كَانَ هُنَاكَ تق .كلمات جميله عن نزول المطر بالانجليزي

كلمات جميله عن نزول المطر بالانجليزي

عبارات عن المطر بالانجليزي قصيرة

There is no point in taking shelter in the canopy of words, for silence in front of the rain is more beautiful. Waiting for you is like waiting for rain on hot summer days, when the sun refuses to leave.”
“I wonder if those drops are like your kind words, and will the winds carry into your simple green life.”
“The day I read these words, I felt something like rain in my throat.”
“Your friends who love to walk in the rain, do not overdo them. I jumped off my sofa and on the balcony was my clothes, I wet my hands with these fragrant drops, and I prayed to my Lord for more rain and I prayed to him to gather me with my loved ones.”
“The last rain is like the first cry, it chokes us with silence and melancholy. The city is not so bad; Because when it is washed in the rain, it becomes delicious.”
“I love the winter sun that comes shyly, and the bright stars in the evening that decorate the sky inside me.”
Raindrops scatter quietly and delicately as if they were whispering, in our ears in a faint voice of optimism, life is still going on and hope is still there.
“I love winter without summer…because when the rain falls, the dyes are removed from the faces, and everything goes back to its origin without deception or fabrication.”
“I love the smell of rain, how much rain brings us the smell of the dewy earth, it brings you the softest peace of those that fall, and the winds will bring you the ears of green life to revive the branches of hope.”
“Winter came and after waiting, the first raindrops came down like pearls and diamonds, that air that swung the curtains of my house and those drops that fell dancing on the window of my room.”
“The town used to wear the rain as the bereaved wear mourning clothes.”
“My soul is blessed with a beautiful homeland, which only falls like a kiss on the cheek of a child in the pouring rain.”
“The rain falls and washes away the grudges of the chests and the blackness of the hearts.”
“With the return of winter and the rain, bearing these innocent dreams, spring comes with its flowers, and life becomes sweeter after the rain.”
“Does it rain without clouds?”
“I love the smell of rain and a cool breeze dancing on tree branches, and a calm wave that flows from the hands of the sea.”
To those years that have passed from your life, you will yearn for hearts you missed and feelings you forgot, and you will close your eyes and relive the tape of your dreams, and with love you will forget all the black points in your heart, when you see the purity of the rain, remember all your beautiful qualities that you forgot due to the troubles of life and harsh times, and sad nights of sleep “.
There is no point in taking shelter in the canopy of words, for silence in front of the rain is more beautiful. Waiting for you is like waiting for rain on hot summer days, when the sun refuses to leave.”
Talk about a rain lodge

كلام عن المطر بالانجليزي مترجم

Fall, rain, and wash its wounds and pains, fall and dissipate sorrows, end those torments, fall, rain, before drought and dispersal overwhelm it.”
“Those who are for freedom and against incitement are the people who want rain, not thunder.”
“When the rain stops, we forget the umbrella. How can I wait for the rain if I do not plant the ears.”
“You watch the beauty of the rain, and you smile, forget your worries, even for a few moments, and feel nostalgia for everything, for your childhood.
There is no rain without clouds.”
“If God is pleased with a people He sends rain down on them at its time, and He puts money in their tolerance, and uses them their best, and if He is angry with a people, He sends down rain on them at a time other than its time, and He puts money in their miserliness, and He uses their wickedness on them.”
“The sea is the first inspiration, the rain drops the inspiration.”
“It is as if I am the butterfly dancing and swaying on the leaves of the trees, as if I am the soil that has lived, and as if I am the seed that has grown, as if I am the lips that have smiled.
Rain is life, joy is a child running in her pink dress.
“I looked at the sky whose sky shone despite its darkness, and I extended my hand to make the longest grains of rain, and I felt as if I was the bird that had gathered its nest and would finally rest on its branch.”
“Down, rain, remove hatred from them, fall and let the seeds of love and loyalty decorate their world, fall, rain, count life moments before death.”
“My homeland is a bag and my bag is a homeland. The Roma are a people who camp in songs and smoke, a people looking for a place between shrapnel and rain.”
Years ago, no one knew anything about them. They left, and nothing remained but memories. I wish they only left, but they blow slanders everywhere they live here and there, until they are tired of the spirit, so that fate permits them to meet, and they meet under the showers of rain, peace and a smile, and things are back to how they were. .
“I longed for the rain to knock on my window, to spread happiness throughout my kingdom.”
Even after you are gone, your gifts still fall on me like raindrops, amazing in their grandmothers.
“Remember everything you did before the feeling of misery entered your heart, because of a love that ended, or a dream that faded, or shocks that penetrated your heart and that saturated and quenched, remember that you were wonderful and still are, but you forgot yourself among your troubles.”
With the touches of rain, on the cheeks of my little town, I can smell in his breath the sweet scent of your perfume.
“After the storm comes the rain, and after the clouds the sun rises. Come, let us watch the rain in silence and gladden our prayers, may they be answered.
The rain makes us nostalgic for days gone by, and it will never come back.”
“Your nature was like a seed in me, and it was nurtured in the rainy season and atrophied in the dryness of the heat, but it has survived through the ages.
“It reminds us of the warmth when we were in the arms of our mothers hiding, and with them we reconciled and came back as if we were still fetuses in the womb. I love the rain and I love every grain of rain.”
Both are waiting for that night with all their hearts, dreaming of the birth of a new world, a catastrophe occurs, the date of their joy is postponed, and the series of long patience begins, the rain falls again and the generous compensates them with a greater and more beautiful joy. And calm spaces.”

  • “أسقط يا مطر واغسل جراحها وآلامها، أسقط وبدّد الأحزان، اقض على تلك العذابات، اسقط يا مطر قبل أن يجتاحها الجفافُ والشتاتْ”.
  • “أولئك الذين هم مع الحرية وضد التحريض هم الناس الذين يريدون المطر لا الرعد”.
  • “عندما يتوقّف المطر ننسى المظلة. كيف أنتظر المطر إذا لم أزرع السنابل”.
  • “تراقب جمال المطر فترتسم عليك الابتسامة وتنسى همومك ولو للحظات بسيطة، وتشعر بالحنين إلى كلّ شي، إلى طفولتك.
    لا مطر بدون سحاب”.
  • “إذا رضي الله عن قوم أنزل عليهم المطر في وقته، وجعل المال في سمحائهم، واستعمل عليهم خيارهم، وإذا سخط على قوم أنزل عليهم المطر في غير وقته، وجعل المال في بخلائهم، واستعمل عليهم شرارهم”.
  • “البحر هو مصدر الإلهام الأول، والمطر قطرات الوحي”.
  • “كأني الفراشة ترقص وتتمايل على أوراق الشجر، وكأنّي التربة التي حييت، وكأنّي البذرة التي نمت وكأنّي الشفاة التي تبسّمت، لا أعلم لما بكيت وقتها وكأنه الفرج، هذا المطر وما يفعله بقلوب البشر”.
  • “المطر هو الحياة هو الفرح هو طفلة تركض في ثوبها الورديّ”.
  • “نظرت إلى السماء التي أشرقت سماؤها رغم سوادها، ومددت يدي كي أطول حبّات المطر، وشعرت وكأنّي العصفور الذي جمع عشّه وأخيراً سيرتاح على غصنه”.
  • “اسقط يا مطر أزل الحقد عنهم، اسقط ودع بذور الحبّ والوفاء تزيّن عالمهم، اسقط يا مطر أعد العمر لحظات قبل الممات”.
  • “وطني حقيبة وحقيبتي وطن، الغجر شعب يخيم في الأغاني والدخان، شعب يفتش عن مكان بين الشظايا والمطر”.
  • “أعوام مضت لا أحد يعلم عنهم شيئاً رحلوا، ولم يُبقوا سوى الذكريات وليتهم رحلوا فقط بل ينفثون الوشايات في كلّ مكان يقطنون به هنا، وهناك إلى أن سئمتهم الروح ليأذن القدر لهم باللقاء فيلتقون تحت زخّات المطر، سلام وابتسامة، وتعود الأمور لسابق عهدها” ..
  • “اشتقت أن يقرع المطر زجاج نافذتي لتعم السعادة على أرجاء مملكتي”.
  • “حتى بعد رحيلك، لا تزال عطاياك تنهمر عليّ كقطرات مطر، مدهشة في جدّتها”.
  • “تذكر كلّ ما كنت تفعله قبل أن يدخل شعور البؤس إلى قلبك، بسبب حبّ انتهى، أو حلم تلاشى، أو صدمات اخترقت قلبك ومنها تشبّع وترتوي تذكّر أنك كنت رائعاً ومازلت كذلك، لكنك نسيت نفسك بين متاعبك”.
  • “مع لمسات المطر، على وجنات مدينتي الصغيرة، أشمّ في أنفاسه رائحة عطرك الجميلة”.
  • “بعد العاصفة يأتي المطر وبعد الغيوم تشرق الشمس. تعال لنشاهد المطر في صمت ونسرّ دعواتنا، علّها تُستجاب.
  • المطر يثير فينا حنيناً وشجناً لأيام مضت ولن تعود”.
  • “لقد كانت فطرتُك كالبذرة في داخلي، ولقد ربّت في موسم المطر وضمرت في جفاف الحرّ، ولكن بقيت عبر العصور.
  • “يذكرنا بالدفء حين كنا في أحضان أمهاتنا نختبئ، وبها نلتحم ونعود وكأننا ما زلنا أجنة فى الرحم، أحبّ المطر وأحبّ كلّ حبة من حبات المطر”.
  • “كلاهما ينتظر تلك الليلة بكلّ جوارحهم يحلمون بولادة عالم جديد، تحدث كارثة ويتأجّل موعد فرحتهم ويبدأ مسلسل الصبر الطويل يسقط المطر من جديد ويعوّضهم الكريم بفرحة أعظم وأجمل، اسقط يا مطر طوّق دنياهم بحدائق السعادة والطمأنينة، اسقط واعزف سيمفونية أفراحه، واسقط وابن لهم من الأمان والهدوء مساحات”.

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