عبارات عن اليوم الوطني الاماراتي بالانجليزي 2023

عبارات عن اليوم الوطني الاماراتي بالانجليزي 2023

عبارات عن اليوم الوطني الاماراتي بالانجليزي ، وَهُوَ يَوْمُ الْعِلْم مُنَاسَبَةٌ وَطَنِيَّةٌ حَيْث تَحْتَفِل فِيهَا الإمَارَاتِ العَرَبيَّةِ المتَّحِدَةِ فِي الثَّالِثِ مِنْ نُوفَمْبِر مِنْ كُلِّ عَامٍ ، وَذَلِكَ عِنْدَمَا أَعْلَن عَنْهَا الشَّيْخُ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ رَاشِدٍ آل مَكْتُوم ،عبارات عن اليوم الوطني الاماراتي بالانجليزي وَهُوَ نَائِبٌ رَئِيسُ الدَّوْلَةِ وَرَئِيس مَجْلِس الْوُزَرَاء حَاكِم دُبَي مُنْذُ عَامٍ 2013م ، حَيْث تَجَسَّد تِلْك الْمُنَاسَبَة مَشَاعِر الْوَحْدَة وَالسَّلَامُ بَيْنَ أَبْنَاء الْأَمَارَات وَأَيْضًا تَعْزِيز الشُّعُور بالانتماء وترسيخ لِصُورَة الْأَمَارَات وَبِالْإِضَافَةِ إلَى نَمُوذَج عَلَى مَظَاهِر التلاحم بَيْن أَبْنَاء الوَطَن ، سَوْف نطرح عبارات عن اليوم الوطني الاماراتي بالانجليزي

عبارات عن اليوم الوطني الاماراتي بالانجليزي

Oh, the most beautiful wealthy loved one Emirati.
Emirati .. More expensive than self-housing.
Emirates and I am proud.
Rejoice that you are an Emirati, raise your head higher.
Emirates Ellen death.
My head is glorified because my name is Emirati.
Every year, you are the bride of the universe, a love poem that I sing.
Zayed .. a story of love that never ends.
O sweetest name engraved in the heart.
The longing of Emirates surrounded me.
Suffice it to say thousands of Emiratis of my country, I feel that I possessed the universe in my hands.
I have a shelf of glory of science high, my heart beats racing me.
The Emirates, God watered the House of Zayed on the first day of its inclusion, and met from its comfort Rashid to help him and his brothers.

My homeland .. I am my homeland. We became orphans without our father Zayed.
O sweeter name .. O most expensive wealth .. O most beautiful science .. loved Emirati.
Oh Emirati, raise your head over her father’s shell with pride, son of Zayed.
Zayed’s departure may cause some pain on that day, but it does not prevent us from celebrating this man with pride.
I am from Zayed, I learned to love my land and love people.
Long live an Emirati, and long live its people, a loyal people with all my consideration.
We pledge to you and the covenant, the covenant of the faithful Shailene our souls above the paws.
An Emirati Emirati and I am an Emirati Mkhout with the majestic head of the forbidden.
I am proud of my birthday and this word is enough for me.
I am proud that the UAE is my land and raising its flag to my Excellency is my motto.
Time will stop, whether or not, in front of Zayed, who was able to be the father of his people and became an orphan.

2300 مشاهدة