عبارات عن العقل والقلب بالانجليزي 20203

عبارات عن العقل والقلب بالانجليزي 20203

عبارات عن العقل والقلب بالانجليزي تَخْتَلِف المناسبات والظُّروف الَّتِي يَمِيلُ فِيهَا الْإِنْسَانُ إلَيَّ كِتَابَهُ خَوَاطِرُه وَتَرْجَمَه مَشَاعِرُه واحاسيسه وَمَا يَمُرُّ بِهِ عَلَى الْوَرَقِ ، لِذَلِك نَجِد العَدِيدِ مِنَ الْأَشْخَاص يَبْحَثُونَ عَنْ عبارات عن العقل والقلب بالانجليزيمُمَيِّزَة لاعتمادها ، ويسعدنا أَنْ نُقَدِّمَ لَكُمُ الْيَوْمَ فِي هَذَا الْمَقَال عَبَّر موقعنا غزة بلس مَجْمُوعِه راقية مُمَيِّزَةٍ مِنْ أَرْوَع عبارات عن العقل والقلب بالانجليزي

عبارات عن العقل والقلب بالانجليزي

عبارات عن القلب بالانجليزي

The heart always deceives the heart. like french
The mind warns us what to avoid, and the heart tells us what to do. like french
If the mind is the maker of man, then the heart sings its path. like french
The greatest victory is victory over the heart. like french
In front of a brave heart nothing is impossible. like french
The heart has arguments that the mind does not understand. like french
The body may be shackled and thrown into the mightiest prisons, but a free mind is not subject to shackles or arrest! Munther Al-Qabbani
When the heart speaks, it is no longer appropriate for the mind to issue objections – Milan Kundera
A space to see other things more clearly.. with the eyes of the mind, not the eyes of the heart! beaver arrow
An illusion is a reality in the mind of its owner, and the truth is an illusion that a group of people at some point agreed on is correct. Najib Sorour
Reason and interest away from principles may result in many disasters. Naguib Mahfouz
The heart knows more than the mind imagines. Naguib Mahfouz
What is the use of reason in an unreasonable world? Naguib Mahfouz
Kar Jahan, I bad toast, mind, I bad pussy, for a period of time. don’t sleep
The word is an arrow that the mind shoots into the hearts and minds of others, so it builds, injures, guides or kills… Nawal Al Sibai

حكم عن العقل بالانجليزي

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a fruitful servant.. We have created a society that respects the servant and forgets the sacred gift.
Between the past, the present and the future, there is nothing but an illusion in the thinking of the human mind.. If you notice that – sad times feel long while happy days pass like a minute – and this is relativity.
If the heart has to ask questions, the mind must answer them
The heart may give a mind, but the mind has never given a heart
The body does not grow without food and exercise, and the mind does not grow without reading and thinking
The conscious mind is able to respect the idea even if it does not believe in it.
The wise is from the mind of his tongue
Guide one’s mind to do
if you consult with the rational, his mind becomes yours
Rest the mindless
The work of the mind rests the heart
The greatest achievement of the mind is to see that there are limits to the mind
Your mind is like a parachute, it only works when it swells up
The confidence of passion is a month, and the confidence of the mind is an eternity
A person without a mind is an example without a soul
The mind is a victim of the heart
If you see passion in a nation as a rule… then judge there that the mind has gone.
If passion and reason call out one day… the voice of reason is more deserving of an answer
A little love with reason is good… and a lot of love with ignorance is corrupt.
The deepest sin of the human mind is to believe something without evidence.
History is the most dangerous drug invented by the chemistry of the mind.
A strong body makes a strong mind.
Beauty is in the tongue and perfection is in the mind.
What is good is what the mind makes good, and what is ugly is what the mind makes ugly.
Wisdom is the epitome of a meditating mind and a suffering heart.

عبارات عن طيبة القلب بالانجليزي

Try to weigh your feelings with the scale of the mind so that you don’t hurt them the one you love today may be your enemy tomorrow
I believe that despite separation, our hearts live on.. and I believe that man is miserable with reason alone!
Inside me there is a person who struggles to lift a heavy load, to review the account of body and mind, triumphing over habit, laziness and necessity.
With the sound of bullets, there is no talk of the voice of reason and dialogue
A good image is an outward beauty, and a good mind is an inner beauty
Beauty is not a quality in things themselves, but in the mind that contemplates them
The mind is the spirit of freedom
The smarter you get the less you speak
The wise is from the mind of his tongue
Age earns experience, and the mind gains wisdom
Were it not for ignorance, the wise would not know
Badly heard, badly answered
It is better to arm your mind with knowledge than to adorn your body with jewels
If my guests are sane, then the table is enough for them, and if they are not sane, then the table is more than they deserve.
We are mad if we cannot think, fanatics if we do not want to think, slaves if we do not dare to think.
It is not the wise who knows good from evil, but he who knows the best of two evils
If you see a man who buys the vile for the precious and sells the great for the despicable, then know that he is a fool
Ibn al-Qayyim, the light of the mind shines in the night of passion, and the path of righteousness appears.
He asks permission for death on the wise, and pushes the door on the heedless, Ahmed Shawqi
Keep an attractive smile on your face even if you don’t feel that you want to smile, pretend to smile, as the subconscious cannot differentiate between the real thing and the unreal thing, so it is best to decide to smile constantly.
Ibrahim Al-Fiqi, that the face is the mirror of the mind and the eyes without talking and confessing the secrets of the heart

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